A new beginning . . . . how it all started.

If any 'traditional' publisher is interested in my work, please contact me at  info(at)davidbalaam-books.co.uk


I have written a book on one of my favourite subjects; Photography.

Called; A Guide to Church Photography for the Enthusiastic Amateur. 

This is not an in-depth technical publication, but more of a 'how-to' book for the keen and eager amateur photographer looking to further their photographic experience. A helpful guide to understanding how to photograph church interiors. Full of tips and easy guidance, and packed with over 200 beautiful photographs taken by the author.


The Wrong Cheese by David Morton

(aka David Balaam)

Yes, my first children's book aimed at 8 - 12 year olds. Click on cover to read more.

Welcome to my website, where, I hope, new titles will be added from time to time.

Columbus Day took over five years to complete but I was still working full time then, and being the first book, the 'learning curve' was longer than I had expected.  That, coupled with researching places and events, I managed to launch the 1st edition of Columbus Day on Amazon in early 2012, however;

Traversing the quagmire known as Indie Publishing, I have learnt the hard way ‘what not to do’ when trying to publish a book, (or books).
There are thousands of ‘self-help’ gurus out there - experts that have written millions of words to point you in the right direction, and of course, take your money in exchange for their words of wisdom, which generally leave the reader even more confused and frustrated.
Publishing on-line (Kindle, e-readers, etc) is relatively easy compared with putting your ‘masterpiece’ into a tactile paperback format.  Rather than write another ‘self-help’ book, I am willing to pass on to any other frustrated author the fruits of my experience, for free.
Virtually all Indie (Independent) authors will be unable find a traditional publisher, or agent, to market their manuscript, therefore leading them, by default, into the unknown world of the ‘Indie printed paperback’.
It has taken me several years, and a lot of money, to find the right avenue for my books, and it was there all the time, virtually, on my doorstep. 
It need not be, like me, a lonely path you have to take to realise your dream, and see your own work out there - one of the millions of titles vying for attention - but that doesn't matter - we just want it to be there.
So, what is all this leading to you may ask . . . well, the fruits of my labour are now available in UK paperback format from all good book retailers, on the high street or on-line.
“Nothing Is Sacrosanct - No one can hide from their sins forever - is an adult fiction account of a man who was abused as a child during the last war.  His ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ existence from being brought to England in 1946 through to the final pages in 2003, documents a series of murdering, gruesome and passionate scenarios that will capture your imagination and understanding of his tormented soul.”


The long awaited sequel to Nothing is Sacrosanct is now available from Amazon: No One is Sacrosanct.

The hunt is on for what appears to be a ‘copy-cat’ killer of paedophiles.  Marcus Hartstein; lover, adventurer, executioner, was reported dead in 2006 but more bodies have been appearing – all with the same M.O as Hartstein’s.

DCI Christine Ling was on the original case, hunting him down in Nothing is Sacrosanct. Now she and her husband, Clive Moran, a police profiler, have been brought out of retirement to solve these new murders, but the clues are few, and the suspects are untouchable.

Available in Paperback and for E-Readers

Kindle version is also  available from Amazon - CLICK HERE


Columbus Day and The Letter are now available in UK paperback versions

A Guide to Church Photography now available from AMAZON

Email me at info@davidbalaam-books.co.uk if you have any problems with a link or a purchase.

About the Author

Most of my life I have been in sales, working for the French company Moulinex for fifteen years. Then in 1988 I started my own promotional merchandise company Dovetail Services; sourcing and supplying advertising merchandise and corporate clothing.  

I live in Surrey, England. I have two wonderful daughters, Nicole and Lindsay.  My first two books are dedicated to each of them. 

Columbus Day took over five years to complete but I was still working full time then, and being the first book, the 'learning curve' was longer than I had expected.  That, coupled with researching places and events, I managed to launch the 1st edition of Columbus Day on Amazon in early 2012.

I had started my second romantic mystery, The Letter, in 2011.

Why did I start writing? Good question. It is said we all have a book in us, and I believe that to be true, it's just a case of deciding what type of book;  fiction or non-fiction, personal or public, modern or historical.

I don't think I could have written these two books, and the others I have started, when I was in my twenties - I did  not have any 'life experience'.  I had not travelled far, and certainly did not possess the imaginary skills authors have for creating a credible story. 

I found 'story-lines' forming in my mind from my own life experiences, which have gone into helping me structure my novels.  I am not saying all the events in these stories relate to me personally, but they are formed from a time-line that exists, and is weaved through people and places I have known throughout my seventy-seven years on this Earth.

I love discovering new music, especially World Music. The July chapter in Columbus Day is an account of how I, (and George Morton) became fascinated by this genre, and hope that in some way can help to introduce the reader to it as well.

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